Posted by latest hot information on Sabtu, 21 Maret 2015
how much time do you need to perform a Mobile Phone Battery recharging can hinga full 1 hour, 2 jan or day? Recharge a weak battery is a must that be done so that we have mobile devices that can be used again, but wait for the phone to full battery is sometimes boring.

But a child in the United States in high school recently created a new tool that can charge the battery in just 20 seconds.
This lady boy is Kesha Khare, 18, of Saratoga, California who managed to create a super fast charging device for kejeniusanya Kesha sebsear Khare earn $ 50,000 from the Intel Foundation Young Scientist Award.
Khare Kesha creation tool can recharge with very fast because it uses a super kapasitator capable of storing large super power in a very small place. Thus, 10 thousand times charging the phone was able to be done by means of findings in just 20-30 seconds.
Besides his creation tool is also very easy to carry around even be rolled up. "This thing is also flexible, able to be rolled up and placed on the clothing or fabric.
Its use can vary and have a greater ability of the battery, "said Khare.